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Nice little game! Got to 228! (after some first attempts that would get me no more than 20 lol) I think it would be nice to have a personal highscore board, and maybe increase the difficulty a little bit as the number progesses. But yeah it is for a cozy game jam and you have succeded in making it cozy indeed!

nice to see someone else here using scratch.

77, really good and very serene :)

56, love the music :3

I got 180 yeahh. I love the aesthetic!

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Made it to 107! Love the animations

Got 178 ๐Ÿ˜… Congratz on the submission, fits the game jam's theme ๐Ÿ‘


Beautiful game!


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Good game. It Definitely fits the cozy autumn theme 

Thank you for the feedback! @u@

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noice i got 369. very nice game(; also great music

I got all of it from youtube. The names of the songs are on the scratch version of the game.

Haha I got 56!
This is very nice and cute ^^

Thx! I spent only 2 days making it! ('u')

My PB is 196.